I get disturbed and saddened when I see words like “vaccine science,” “pharmaceutical science,” “medical science,” “biological science,” etc. These are all fake and false representations of science. A subject does not become a science subject by putting the word “science” with it.
Using this approach for several decades has been fashionable to gain importance, fame, credibility, and, more importantly, access to large government funding. This is simply a fraudulent practice. There is no science in such subjects. The actual science remains physics and chemistry, with scientists conducting extraordinary intellectual and hard work in these areas (link).
So, my request to all is that whenever and wherever you hear or read the words science and/or scientists, pay attention to who is referred to here: true science or scientists or fake and fraudsters.
When I read this article (link), my conclusion is that it is not a science article or scientific discussion; it is bitching about “what I/we wrote or what you/they wrote.” It is not science, a scientific article, a scientific discussion, or a scientific debate. It is nonsense and BS!