Vaccines: Safe And Effective Narrative?

BREAKING PUBLICATION–COVID-19 Vaccines Cause far More Myocarditis than Infection, Overall Risks Greatly Outweigh Theoretical Benefits (link)

@ “… the four-year long false “safe and effective” narrative from the Bio-Pharmaceutical Complex.”


The “Safe and effective” narrative is not from the Bio-Pharmaceuticals Complex (BPC) but from the physicians and their Medical Experts Complex (MEC). BPC provided the “service” (treatment/vaccines) the MEC requested and “approved” (CDC/FDA, physicians). The BPC did not create the virus and its pandemic. It is “created” and promoted by the MEC, with their “science” or following their “science” to which the author is also compliant.

Please be brave and honest, accept that MEC made a colossal error in judgment, and retract all the claims about the virus’s existence and its (fraudulent) “scientific” research. (link).

All the viruses and related vaccines are examples of certified BS’ (link).

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