Recently, under the theme of Logical Arguments, I posted a short clip that generated interesting comments and responses. A collated version is provided below, which I believe will help generate more informative talks on the topic and hopefully resolve non-ending fruitless debates on viruses, vaccines, and pandemics.
The posted blog:

Comment by CA:
Could you give an example of what you mean when you say if chemistry is used to study most illnesses/treatments they will quickly disappear as false/invalid?
I am interested in knowing what this would actually look like – an illness being shown to be false and treatment invalid through chemistry
My Response:
Thanks for your comment and question. I will be happy to respond.
I have worked in the pharmaceutical/medical area for at least 40 years (30 were spent as a research scientist in Health Canada). Based on my expertise and training (Ph.D.) in science/chemistry, I can provide many examples of your request. However, to avoid lengthy posts and technical details, I will explain with some examples here, with links to my blog’s articles for more information.
- Isolation of substances/particles (viruses): It is a science/chemistry topic, but it is done under the guidance of medical/biological experts (claimed to be scientists). However, if the procedure was shown to science/chemistry experts, they would quickly and accurately say these are not scientifically valid procedures (or false claims) because isolation procedures require the end product (particles/viruses) in hand (vials or test tubes). So, if proper science/chemistry had been followed, there would have been no claim of viruses and their illnesses.
- Testing of substances (viruses, RNA/mRNA, spike proteins). It is a science/chemistry subject. I have worked most of my life (50 years +) in testing (developing, validating, and applying tests). I can see easily and quickly when I see a good and scientifically valid test. However, the PCR test is NOT one of them. The reason is that having a valid test requires reference standards, in this case, virus, RNA, and spike protein. I do not find reference standards for these. Hence, there is no test. Therefore, as these things (virus, RNA/mRNA, spike protein) depend on testing and monitoring, there cannot be such a thing. All claims about them and their illnesses must be withdrawn.
- Manufacturing of substances (vaccines): It is claimed that mRNA vaccines are biologically manufactured using cell cultures. However, they are still chemical syntheses of substances, such as mRNA. No synthesis can be conducted or monitored without a valid test for the substance to be synthesized. As mentioned above, no valid test is available, so there is no evidence that the claimed mRNA/vaccines have been synthesized, i.e., no vaccine (treatment) has been produced. Hence, all claims about the manufacturing of vaccines, along with their efficacy claims, must be withdrawn as fake and false.
Virus Isolation: Choose Your Experts Wisely For Valid Scientific Advice! link
Establishing Isolation And Existence Of Virus/Pathogen – A Scientific Approach link.
Lies Have Been Told! link
Virus and the PCR test link
mRNA Vaccine Is Not mRNA But Gunk – A Forensic Analysis link
Comment by CA:
Saeed Qureshi thanks. Very helpful to hear your explanation.
One thing that puzzles me after reading what you wrote : you point out that it is thanks to your work and experience as a chemist you are able to discern the fraudulence of these medical claims.
I deduce from this that every other chemist is able to see precisely what you do and is aware of the same problems. There must be millions of chemists who have the same concerns as you do? Why are these people not speaking up?
I’m sure some of these people have financial interests in medicine and work for medical companies but there must also be a great many chemists not affiliated with the medical system who can see and understand precisely what you do.
if all chemists joined together and simply presented a signed statememt testifying to what you have stated here, wouldn’t that put tremendous pressure on those who are running this scam?
My Response:
That is an excellent question you asked and has been asked many times. There are a few reasons for that. For example:
- When something is labeled as an illness or treatment/medicine, no one is allowed to have an opinion (let alone be accepted) about it, including the patient/sufferer, except a physician or pharmacist.
- Everyone else opinions/position, including highly educated scientists or chemists, must align with the medical/pharmaceutical fraternity. Otherwise, they must be ignored, suppressed, or insulted. Everyone has to accept and believe in medical positions, including chemists; otherwise, they face harsh consequences.
- The backlash and its force are apparent during the recent RFK Jr. HHS hearing. All he is proposing is some appropriate safety studies on vaccines. The other side objected strongly to this suggestion, claiming that all such studies have shown that vaccines are safe and effective. But where and how? I have described above in my comment that vaccines cannot even be appropriately tested for their identity; how could their efficacy and safety be evaluated? They cannot be. However, no question or opinion is allowed or acceptable until it is aligned with the current medical view.
- Most chemists do not have the opportunity to work in the medical field as I did. I have been able to see raw data (public or otherwise) on how to define and assess illnesses and treatments and, more importantly, how medicines are developed, manufactured, and accessed.
- While working at Health Canada, I had to study, at my own initiative, the biology, medical, and pharmaceutical subjects in depth so much that I could have a Ph.D. in the science of medicine. Most chemists do not have the opportunity, time, or interest to do so.
- I practically lived with biologists, doctors, pathologists, veterinarians, etc, working hand-in-hand with them. Not many have such an opportunity.
- Perhaps, more importantly, personal characteristics of critical thinking and curiosity-driven working. Most (millions) might have seen an apple falling, but only Newton observed and critically explained the falling phenomenon. Honesty, I deserve some credit for my individuality, efforts, and scientific vigor in deciphering and addressing complex and tedious medical issues.
So, please help me spread the word to allow others’ opinions to be respected in medical and pharmaceutical areas, to help in healthy living, and to save billions and trillions of dollars from fake science research. Indeed, many, including hundreds, if not thousands of chemists, will join.
In the end, I wish I could have access to RFK Jr.’s ears.
Comment by RD:
I’m sure you’re witnessing what is happening with RFK’s hearings. I had hope for some sort of change if he were appointed. Unfortunately, as a non-scientist, I don’t believe he has the knowledge to fight against what he’s been put up against, particularly since the most prominent senators debating him are bought by big pharma. The measles issue that was brought up was quite disturbing to watch.
My Response:
My view, as I wrote on another (link). Things have been stirred up; that is a good thing.
“Current issues in healthcare are caused by listening to doctors and biologists for the past 4 to 5 decades, as they have been falsely promoted as science followers or scientists. These people need to be replaced by actual science experts and scientists. Medicines are chemicals, so it is logical for people to need help from science/chemistry experts or scientists. Political leadership should be from someone who could implement such a change.
Leadership doesn’t need to be a vaccine/medicine promoter, sympathizer, supporter, or promoter of frequent new (“novel”) illnesses and their medicines, but a critical thinker who looks through public concerns about the products sold, including medicine, as safe and effective.”
Comment by SB:
Saeed Qureshi I am happy that you provided us with some insight into the reason why other chemists do not take the same stance as you do. The backlash, lack of opportunity/time/interest. Would you say that chemists- not having the opportunity to directly see what you have, working with Health Canada and studying the biology, medical and pharmaceutical subjects- generally assume that whatever is happening in those areas is scientifically valid? But that if they were really exposed to it as you were, there would be a lot more of them siding with you? Even though many of them wouldn’t want to bcz of the backlash.
My Response:
Yes, Correct