Watching such meetings or interactions (link), one critical thing missing is that medical experts on both sides of the table do not realize that medical education does not have a science subject as part of its curriculum and training.

Medical experts are blinded to this critical fact that they do not study or are trained in science/chemistry – the basic science subject of the body and medicines, including vaccines.

Another mistake is that when they refer to basic science, they assume biology, which is not a science subject but biology. Studying particles (viruses) and medicines/chemicals, including vaccines, is a flawed and false approach within biology, resulting in disastrous outcomes such as the COVID-19 virus and its associated vaccines.

All the claims have been found untrue; for example, the claim of vaccine efficacy as highly effective when the vaccines have never been tested against viruses, as no one had samples of viruses and/or their patients infected with them. The claim of developing the treatment (vaccines) is a false and scientifically fraudulent act. Vaccines are not medicines or treatments but a concoction, soup, or gunk of known and unknown potent chemicals and biological components that very well can be related to witchcraft/sorcery.

This critical flaw has not been caught because all such studies/testing remained within the medical faculties, which lacks understanding of science subjects but keeps doing the non-science studies, assuming they are scientific – as medical experts define for their profession or convenience. 

The science (basic science) that deals with such things as particles (viruses) and molecules (RNA, mRNA, spike protein) is chemistry. This (true and basic) science has not given a chance to address the issue.

However, from a science/chemistry perspective – viruses, testing, pandemics, vaccines, and vaccination, it would be immediately apparent that all the claims made in this respect have been scientifically false and fraudulent. It is inaccurate to conclude that a virus exists or is present. It is incorrect to have a valid test without the availability of the virus sample. Moreover, getting a vaccine without the virus’s or its patient’s availability is impossible, but it is a lie.

In short, medical experts have nothing to show for the past 5 decades of their “scientific” research. However, they seem to discuss similar studies to assess safety and efficacy further.

The point is that one cannot study anything, including safety and efficacy, as virus samples are unavailable; the suggestion of testing for safety becomes superfluous because the efficacy has not been tested or cannot be tested. Hence, vaccination becomes obsolete. Then why would one need safety studies?

A more relevant study one could conduct at this stage is to stop vaccination and observe the disappearance of the “side effects” or prevailing sicknesses in society. Amazingly, no further funding for such a study would be required, aligning with the current US policy of cutting wasteful spending. A strong case came to be made that an epidemic of serious illnesses, like cancer, cardio, infections, etc., could very well disappear. There is nothing to lose with such a study.

In the end, it is critically important to note that one should not seek any further advice from medical experts related to science or scientific research. Such an undertaking will save millions of dollars, restore public health, and clarify the future role of government agencies like the HHS/NIH/FDA.

Physicians And Their “Science” Are Getting Exposed link
Viruses/Vaccines: Disaster Manufactured by Medical Experts link
Selling Of Medicines In The Future – Suggestions link
Few Dare To Announce Unwelcome Truth link
People Losing Trust In Medical Professionals; Why? link
What is science, and who are scientists? link
 My training and expertise – people ask! link

I get disturbed and saddened when I see words like “vaccine science,” “pharmaceutical science,” “medical science,” “biological science,” etc. These are all fake and false representations of science. A subject does not become a science subject by putting the word “science” with it.

Using this approach for several decades has been fashionable to gain importance, fame, credibility, and, more importantly, access to large government funding. This is simply a fraudulent practice. There is no science in such subjects. The actual science remains physics and chemistry, with scientists conducting extraordinary intellectual and hard work in these areas (link).

So, my request to all is that whenever and wherever you hear or read the words science and/or scientists, pay attention to who is referred to here: true science or scientists or fake and fraudsters.

When I read this article (link), my conclusion is that it is not a science article or scientific discussion; it is bitching about “what I/we wrote or what you/they wrote.” It is not science, a scientific article, a scientific discussion, or a scientific debate. It is nonsense and BS!

Below is my response to a doctor’s FB comment. I thought this would be helpful to my followers, as well.

@ “Thank you but you are a chemist not a doctor …”

Thank God I am not part of a corrupt and ignorant profession that considers itself a science or science-based profession without studying any relevant science or its research aspect.

@ “what is true in pure chemistry does not necessarily translate to in vivo …”

Not true. How do you know? Have you ever tried working in a chemistry lab with your own hands? Please share your experience so I can see why and how you reached this false conclusion.

@ I have been told by scientists …”

So you are relying on others, considering them scientists. You do not have your own work or experience. How did you establish that others you trusted as scientists are indeed scientists? Do you have the credentials to judge others as scientists? How?

@ “such as fish viruses have been isolated and identified.”

Incorrect. No virus has been isolated and/or characterized.

Why did you mention fish viruses, not human ones, like COVID-19? You should be providing examples from human samples.

@ “I have no knowledge of you you or your interests. I know mine only to tell the truth.”

I am sorry, you are telling your knowledge, NOT the truth. The truth is that isolation, be it viruses/particles, RNAs, or spike proteins, and their characterization belongs to science/chemistry, which, as a doctor, is not part of medical training; you cannot tell the truth about these substances (chemicals), but telling what you have been indoctrinated and told/trained to believe or say.

Concerning the claim of virus isolation, I responded to Drs. Michael Palmer, M.D. and Sucharit Bhakdi, M.D., you may know them, clarifying their misunderstanding. I have not heard back from them yet. I understand that they are quieter on the topic now (link).

In short, please reconsider your thoughts about science in the medical profession. Actual science/chemistry is either missing or grossly misrepresented by these professions. (link). Comment I responded to:

Gerry Waters

Saeed Qureshi . Thank you but you are a chemist not a doctor and what is true in pure chemistry does not necessarily translate to in vivo . I know there is an infectious agent ,call it a virus if you will. I have been told by scientists that I trust with no skin in the game that viruses such as fish viruses have been isolated and identified. I have no knowledge of you you or your interests. I know mine only to tell the truth. (link)

This article is about a year and a half old. I became aware of it today through an email from Dr. Meryl Nass (author of the email and the article). (link)

It is a very long article and is frustrating and boring; I could not continue reading it beyond a few pages. More importantly, it is filled with false information from a physician’s side. For example, stating that:

“I do not know if these viruses leaked accidentally or were deliberately released, but I am leaning toward the conclusion that both were deliberately released, …”

For heaven’s sake, this is 2025, and a majority, including many physicians, do not believe in the nonsense of viruses’ existence or their stories. However, this doctor does.

When will these doctors learn that no scientific evidence is available about viruses? Most likely, they will never, just like they have not learned that they are NOT science followers, experts, or scientists but are indoctrinated to believe in such claims. All of their claims and narratives in this regard are fake, false, and fraudulent.

Please, doctors, critically evaluate your education and training; you have not studied or practiced science, particularly scientific research, to any significant level. You are spreading false and fraudulent information about science. Please stop.

 Physicians And Their “Science” Are Getting Exposed link
Viruses/Vaccines: Disaster Manufactured by Medical Experts link
Selling Of Medicines In The Future – Suggestions link
Few Dare To Announce Unwelcome Truth link
People Losing Trust In Medical Professionals; Why? link
What is science, and who are scientists? link
 My training and expertise – people ask! link

The safety assessment of the vaccine concept/requirement reflects putting a cart in front of the horse. It is a gross misunderstanding of the subject (science) of medicine development and assessment.

As I described earlier (link), the safety assessment of any medicine comes after assessing its effectiveness. If a medication’s effectiveness or efficacy has not been shown, then there is no point in doing or seeking a safety assessment. The product would not come to the market.

Contrary to common belief, the efficacy of the vaccines has never been determined, i.e., the vaccines, including COVID-19, have never been tested against the viruses (as virus samples are unavailable); hence, vaccines and their vaccination are false and fraudulent practices (link). They need to be stopped immediately.

Suggesting their safety assessment defies logic but supports the vaccination, with potential harm to recipients.

Please consider seeking advice and help from people with knowledge and expertise in science/chemistry working with medicines (chemicals), including vaccines, avoiding further damaging people’s health due to ignorance, practicing false and fraudulent science, and unethical vaccinations (link).   

If you hear me, I would like to inform you that based on my 50+ years of working experience in science, which includes 30 years at Health Canada as a Research Scientist, vaccines have never been tested against viruses or their illness because viruses and their illnesses are nowhere to be found. It is not an opinion but a scientific fact. Physicians and other medical experts do not study and are not knowledgeable in science; they made this judgment (virus/vaccines) in error and ignorance.

Please seek help from relevant science experts. Since medicines, including vaccines, are chemicals, chemistry is the appropriate science subject to deal with them.

Physicians And Their “Science” Are Getting Exposed link
Viruses/Vaccines: Disaster Manufactured by Medical Experts link
Selling Of Medicines In The Future – Suggestions link
Few Dare To Announce Unwelcome Truth link
People Losing Trust In Medical Professionals; Why? link
What is science, and who are scientists? link
 My training and expertise – people ask! link