Is This Vax Really Adulterated per Kirsch/Bridle/McKernan? (link)
Below is my view on the topic.
@ “Is This Vax Really Adulterated … “
There is no way to find out because no pure or unadulterated one is available. Why?
Rituals are often followed in medical/pharmaceutical practice (“science”), and things get declared based on a sellable story with some scientific-sounding jargon.
It is like a gain of function (GOF) research. Scientifically and logically, the first step is to show the baseline/reference, i.e., the original version (“virus”), followed by the tampered one, a variant or modified (link).
However, the “original virus” has never been shown, but the tampered ones have been described. Why? It promotes and maintains the non-existent “virus” story as if it is something real.
Similarly, some have started discussing adulterated (tampered) vaccines while no vaccine (unadulterated/reference) is available. It is just junk in the vial, without any control or defined content to make the story believable that an actual vaccine exists.
Note that I wrote earlier, even before the vaccine development, that it is impossible to develop a vaccine, and indeed, there is no vaccine (unadulterated or adulterated), just false claims. (link).
Obtain a copy of Helpful Notes to learn about the misunderstanding of the science behind the viruses/vaccines/pharmaceuticals (link).