@ “Before widespread vaccines, disease killed nearly half of U.S. children under 5” (link)
The article, by a physician, is full of misinformation and false claims about science. Unfortunately, doctors do not study or are trained in science, so they make incorrect claims. For example;
@ “When a vaccine is developed, it is not immediately available to patients. It goes through many years of rigorous development before it is determined safe for human trials.”
Human or clinical trials are not science. It is a gross misunderstanding.
@ “Anyone can publish their opinion that is not based on science or expertise.”
This is true for physicians who do not study science and make false claims. Sorry! Doctors, please consider correcting your information and knowledge.
Clinical trials – misrepresentation of science (link)
COVID-19 Clinical trials: be watchful (link)
Understanding clinical trials and their outcomes – fake science at its best! (link).
Doctors Lie (link)
Biology, Virology, Immunology, Medical Science, Etc. Cannot Be Considered Science Subjects (link)
The FDA Committee’s Review of Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine: Unscientific, False and Deceitful (link).